Wednesday 2 March 2016

Principles of Management

About the Subject:   
                                          The Principles of Management principles are guidelines for the decisions and actions of managers. They were derived through observation and analysis of events faced in actual practice. of management

Topics to be covered in this Seminar:

Definition of Management – Science or Art – Manager Vs Entrepreneur - types of managers - managerial roles and skills- Planning premises – Strategic Management – Planning Tools and Techniques – Decision making steps and process- Nature and purpose – Formal and informal organization – organization chart – organization structure – types – Line and staff authority – departmentalization – delegation of authority – centralization and Decentralization- motivational techniques – job satisfaction – job enrichment – leadership – types and theories of leadership – communication- Productivity problems and management – control and performance – direct and preventive control – reporting.

Time to be planned :

1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

       3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

      Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

centralization and Decentralization

Direct and preventive control

Kalam Scientist Team

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